Sunday, June 12, 2011

Snapshots in Old Town

In Sunday, I went to Old Town Jakarta. Old town Jakarta famed as Old Batavia. Actually I went there to celebrated 4th birthday of Goodreads Indonesia. In this event, I become newbie photographer. I have upload my photos in  Goodreads flickr. But, after that event finished, we (Me and Lia) hunting some photos around the old town Jakarta.

This is  my snapshot in old town (not confident to upload it in flickr :D)

Between new and old building
Relax at the window

Batavia Hotel
Wooden Puppet Museum

Fatahillah Museum


  1. bagus win foto2nya :) keren.. tapi agak serem ya yang pas sore (apa malem itu ya?) ini pake kamera gimana win?

    btw, dah ganti template lagi nih... jadi pengen ikutan :)

  2. hehehe... Makasih Nindaaa....
    foto2 Ninda juga kereeennn :)
    Yang itu, abis magrib :D *hehehe, ketauan deh masih keluyuran malem-malem*

    Iyaaa...biar ga bosen...:D

  3. pake kemera gimana... maksudnya jenis kamera atau settingan ngambil gambarnya Nda?
