What do you think about beauty?

In Northen Thailand Kayan (or Padaung) girl used rings in her neck since 5 years old. Every year rings added, so they have a long neck tribe. This is symbol of beauty, status and elegant for them. Turns out the neck isn't elongated so much as the collar bone is pushed down by the rings over the years. I've read that wearing these rings is a choice the women make, and they are free to remove them at anytime. Also, it seems that the collar bones eventually move back in to shape if/when the rings are removed.
photo babasteve
photo babasteve
In Dayak tribe, Kalimantan Indonesia
Ear lobes were elongated by piercing at an early age and brass weights ear rings are put on for the sole reason of elongating the ear lobes. It was suppose to signify beauty for the wearer women can be found to have elongated ear lobes.
Orang Ulu
The Mursi are well known for their famous lip plates. The custom is that when a Mursi woman reaches the age of about 20, a slit is cut between her lower lips and mouth. The larger the lip plate a woman can wear, the greater her value when she is married. In many older sources it is reported that the plate's size is a sign of social or economical importance in some tribes.
For me..
its difficult to describe what the beauty is, cause everyone have own definition.
For me, beauty is who I'am now, not trying become somebody else.
No matter how I look, I think I'am beauty in own my way ^_^
And I'am beauty because I fell beauty inside of my heart.
Reference from many resources.
- Beauty is tiny feet
Foot binding is thought to have originated in imperial China in the 10th or 11th century, probably as a fashionable practice among wealthy women. Although its first adherents used it as a status symbol to indicate their high social rank, foot binding gradually spread throughout the culture. By the 12th century, even the poorest families practiced it. When a girl was about three years of age, most of her toes would be fractured and her feet bound tightly with linen strips to impede their growth. The ideal was to create a 3-inch "lotus foot" by limiting growth to just a few inches. The binding forced a girl's toes down toward the soles of her feet to form a concave shape. The practice became so pervasive that a woman whose feet had not been bound would have difficulty finding a husband; most families demanded a woman with tiny feet when selecting a wife for their son. And how the woman walking with tiny feet looks sexy. Even after foot binding was banned by the Chinese government in the early 20th century, the practice continued in secret for years, especially in rural areas where enforcement was difficult.
- Beauty is Long Neck

photo babasteve
In Northen Thailand Kayan (or Padaung) girl used rings in her neck since 5 years old. Every year rings added, so they have a long neck tribe. This is symbol of beauty, status and elegant for them. Turns out the neck isn't elongated so much as the collar bone is pushed down by the rings over the years. I've read that wearing these rings is a choice the women make, and they are free to remove them at anytime. Also, it seems that the collar bones eventually move back in to shape if/when the rings are removed.
- Beauty is Black Teeth

In Thailand woman blacked teeth with betelnut and/or tobacco because cultural and traditional sign of beauty. Now many women use black enamel on their teeth to make them black.
In Vietnam tribe woman with black teeth (a cultural and traditional sign of beauty), a bloddy mounth (caused by chewing betelnut). Her blackened teeth was not caused by chewing betelnut and betel leaf but by using some special chemical. Blackening tooth chemical is usually natural material which varies from the North to South of Vietnam. The process might take a couple of day in order to get the perfect shiny black. Men and women did that because of the same reason which caused other people whitening their teeth. After the occupancy of France in Vietnam blackened teeth is not popular anymore.
In Vietnam tribe woman with black teeth (a cultural and traditional sign of beauty), a bloddy mounth (caused by chewing betelnut). Her blackened teeth was not caused by chewing betelnut and betel leaf but by using some special chemical. Blackening tooth chemical is usually natural material which varies from the North to South of Vietnam. The process might take a couple of day in order to get the perfect shiny black. Men and women did that because of the same reason which caused other people whitening their teeth. After the occupancy of France in Vietnam blackened teeth is not popular anymore.

- Beauty is Big Ear
In Dayak tribe, Kalimantan Indonesia
Ear lobes were elongated by piercing at an early age and brass weights ear rings are put on for the sole reason of elongating the ear lobes. It was suppose to signify beauty for the wearer women can be found to have elongated ear lobes.
Elongated ear lobes also signify status. The longer it is the more significant that person is to the tribe. Perhaps the length is due to age as the ears can only be elongated over time. In Eastern tribal communities, elders are respected. So the longer the ear lobes are, the older the person is.
Orang Ulu
- Beauty is Lip Plate
The Mursi are well known for their famous lip plates. The custom is that when a Mursi woman reaches the age of about 20, a slit is cut between her lower lips and mouth. The larger the lip plate a woman can wear, the greater her value when she is married. In many older sources it is reported that the plate's size is a sign of social or economical importance in some tribes.
- Beauty after Plastic Surgery
For me..
its difficult to describe what the beauty is, cause everyone have own definition.
For me, beauty is who I'am now, not trying become somebody else.
No matter how I look, I think I'am beauty in own my way ^_^
And I'am beauty because I fell beauty inside of my heart.
Reference from many resources.